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Discover the Secrets to

Attract Red-Hot, Ready-to-Join Team Members and Explode Your Business…

We Recently Used This to Add 32 Team Members in Just 14 Days

Save 92% and get instant access to the Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0  for only $97 $7
 Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe - 14 Days Money Back Guarantee

As Featured On

You’re getting closer to running out of people to talk to every single day

Social media is a completely different thing compared to running home parties, vendor booths, Coffee Shop meetings, prospecting restaurant servers, and bartenders, handing out samples at softball and baseball games. 

Most Network Marketers Don’t Get This,
& Unintentionally Come Across as Desperate!

Have you ever noticed how some people seem to effortlessly get engagement on their social media posts and videos while others hear crickets anytime they post?

And then it translates in their teams…

Those same people that get engagement easily sponsor new reps and rapidly rank up…

While others struggle to recruit a single soul…

Kinda makes you wonder what “secret” do these top producers know that others don’t, right?

Well, whether you consider it a secret or not, there’s a very good reason why some are able to rank advance on command and build huge teams fast, while most others get told no over and over again.

And the good news is, it has little to do with luck, talent, or charisma…

The Secret to Attracting a Constant Flow Of Prospects is…

Your ability to influence those around you without being a Spammy Pammy or using obnoxious sales tactics, or feeling like a slimy salesman. 
Instead of adding hundreds of strangers as new ‘friends’ and hounding them with constant posts and messages to join your team…
You can easily attract brand new, high-quality prospects, who are eager to buy from you or join you…
Without friending strangers… Bugging your friends and family… Or spending 24/7 on your phone.
And with the right strategy, you can acquire influence pretty fast…

So, if you’ve failed at making social influence work for you, know that it’s not your fault.

You’ve just been following the wrong, outdated methods.

And now you are presented with an opportunity to change what doesn't work or feel right…

Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 reveal the most effective strategies to attract high-quality prospects and grow your business on social media

For a limited time you can your Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 for only $97 $7

 Secure Order Form - 100% Protected and Safe - 14 Days Money Back Guarantee

Here’s what you will learn:

  • The #1 formula to uncover the hidden pool of prospects that are ready to join your team or buy your products so you will never run out of people to talk to
  • How to use the top earner approved system for turning your social media into a powerful, automated customer and teammate recruiting magnet… without cold prospecting, mass messaging or spamming the internet
  • How to create content that builds trust, establishes influence and makes your audience want to work with you
  • What to do right now to stop repelling prospects, alienating friends and spamming strangers
  • ​How to be more influential and stand out in a noisy newsfeed, without turning your social media into a billboard for your product
  • ​The system top earners use to build credibility and automatically become the person others want to follow and work with
And so much more…

Meet Your Instructors

Brandy Shaver

Co-founder of Beach Boss Influencers

I found network marketing 20 years ago... built a small team and watched it fall apart. I started to wonder if it was just me and if building a business just wasn't my thing.
Then I found mentors that could teach me how to build a business online. Now I help teach and train others to do the same thing!

Cari Higham

Co-founder of Beach Boss Influencers &
author of best seller You Got This Girl

My entrepreneurial journey started in 2014 when I found network marketing. Even though I was doing everything my upline told me to, I felt like a failure and began questioning if this industry was really for me.
Until I found a mentor that taught me Social Media Branding and growing influence online. Now, my passion is training people like you to do the same!

Fran Loubser

Co-founder of Beach Boss Influencers

Network marketing found me 4 ½ years ago, I built a team and rank advanced but as fast as I built my team it fell apart. My team were all friends and family!
Frustrated at all the strategies that were not working, I started searching for a better way to build my business. I learned how to brand myself, build influence and attract a team of people who were looking for me!

Kat Krasilnikoff

Co-founder of Beach Boss Influencers

In 1998 network marketing found me, but did not last very long. I watched my business fall apart as soon as I ran out of warm market. That's when I decided to learn how online marketing worked and I never looked back.
I was able to retire myself from a postal service job of 15 years, travel the world, and live life on my terms. And the best part - I can teach others how to grow a team without sacrificing important things in life!

Adrian Lindeen

Co-founder of Beach Boss Influencers
author of best seller Guts, Grit & Glory

Network Marketing fell into my lap 5 years ago. I did everything my upline told me to. I then found a Mentor who taught me how to build my business online using Social Media to build a Brand & Influence.
11 Months later... I hit 6-figures in my business and have retired myself out of my career in Education. Now, I get to coach and train others to do the same!
Get your Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 right now so you’ll never run out of prospects to talk to
$97 $7
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Never run out of people to talk to and never worry about having to chase, beg or bug people to grow your business

Here’s what can happen when you implement the methods in the Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 mini-course:

Position Yourself 

Understand how to position yourself as a leader from the get-go… even if you’re brand new. Most network marketers don’t get this and unintentionally come across as desperate and needy. This is one of the keys to attracting prospects instead of chasing them.

Get Fewer Rejections

Get fewer rejections and enjoy growing your business because you are building influence and drawing the right kind of people to you instead of cold prospecting family, friends, and strangers. 

Earn More Time

Earn more time for what you love by getting the methods that allow you to leverage the power of social influence, multiplying your exposure, and posting content online that will work for you 24/7
Get your Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 right now so you’ll never run out of prospects to talk to & 5x your team with ease
$97 $7
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Step 1. How to never run out of prospects

Network marketing is a numbers game. And your success is only as big as your network, but you’re not going to get there by sending more DMs to unsuspecting prospects.

Module 1: 

The #1 formula to uncover the hidden pool of prospects that are ready to join your team or buy your products

(value $165)

After watching this module you will:
✔️ Discover the most essential element of achieving success using social influence
✔️ Get the keys to the unlimited reservoir of interesting topics to talk about in your posts so that your audience looks up to you for advice, information and inspiration
✔️ Unlock the step-by-step process to finding and connecting with your potential prospects without selling or spamming
✔️ Feel excited having the exact steps to build a new audience so that you will never run out of people to talk to

Step 2. Building trust is key to success

What most people don’t understand about selling on social media is that success requires trust. And to have trust you have to connect to your audience. This is the key to building your social influence in a way that feels authentic, plus a business that grows exponentially.

Module 2

How to generate a never ending flow of leads without cold prospecting

(value $165)

After watching this module you will:
✔️  Discover what are the best social media strategies to use right now in network marketing so you can grow your social influence and reduce rejection
✔️ Feel confident knowing you have the exact steps to create posts that build influence over your audience in an authentic, honest, but powerful way
✔️ Know how to create posts that connect and build trust with your audience

Step 3. Turn likes into buyers

Anyone can use social media to promote their business, but likes and comments mean nothing, unless your content inspires your audience to click and message you so that they can become buyers.

Module 3

How to build a machine to turn leads into buyers

(value $165)

After watching this module you will:
✔️  Understand how top earners use social influence to rank up without being spammy, posting salesy content or alienating their audience
✔️ Have a clear and easy to follow process for engaging with your audience daily thorough your personal page or social profile to quickly build influence and trust
✔️ Know exactly how often to post for influence, engagement or selling without alienating your audience or getting rejected

Join today and you’ll also get your hands on
bonuses worth $951!

Bonus #1

Perfect Prospect Worksheet

(value $67)

Too many entrepreneurs are chasing the wrong people, wasting their time and money on cold prospecting or DMing people who are just not a right fit.

You want to know who's most likely to buy your product or service right?

You want to stop wasting your time with people who don't care about what you have to offer?

You want a proven system that works for any kind of business and will make you more sales in less time than ever before?

The Perfect Prospect Worksheet is exactly what you need!

With this simple tool, we'll teach you how to quickly identify the best prospects for you so that all of your marketing efforts pay off fast.

Your results will explode when you discover which type of person is most likely interested in what you have to offer and then showing them how they can get started immediately without any pressure from pushy salespeople.

Bonus #2

Daily Mode Of Operation Tracker

(Value $97)

You know you need to take action steps to start building your brand and generate income, but you're not sure where to start or how to prioritize your time and effort.

Without a plan it's easy to spin your wheels and get nowhere. You waste time, money and energy trying things that don't work because you don't have a system in place.

The Daily Mode Of Operation Tracker was created to help entrepreneurs like you get more done in less time.

This tracker will help you be clear on what action steps you need to be taking daily, how to prioritize your time and effort, how to evaluate your actions, and what gaps you have in your business.

With this valuable tool, you'll be able to see tangible results in no time.

Bonus #3

Perfect Prospect Visualization Hack

(Value $167)

You want to sell and recruit more but you don't know who your perfect prospect is.

It's not easy to find the people who are a perfect fit for what you're selling if you don’t know who they are. You might be attracting the wrong people, or worse, not attracting anyone at all.

The Perfect Prospect Visualization Hack is a simple way to discover who your perfect customer is so you can start speaking their language and attracting them to you.

In this guided exercise, Brandy will help you clarify who your perfect customer is and what they want from you. With this newfound knowledge, attracting new customers will be easy peasy.

Bonus #4

Instant Curiosity Post Swipe Collection

(Value $97)

Curiosity is one of the most powerful driving forces in humans and marketing but if you don’t know how to use it, your posts will just end up being ignored.

We've got you covered with our Instant Curiosity Post Swipe Collection. These 20 posts have been proven to engage followers and attract the right team builders for your business.

Model them, learn from them, and create your own curiosity posts that get attention. It includes examples of health, wellness and call to action posts.

Bonus #5

Rank Up Strategy Call With A Rank Up Success Coach

(Value $297)

It can be hard to take actions needed to rank up and get results when you're feeling overwhelmed or just not sure where to start. That’s why we’re offering you a Rank Up Strategy Call with our Rank Up Success Coach.

Your coach will show you how to put everything you’ll discover inside Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 into action and accelerate your success.

Your coach has a ton of experience with both traditional network marketing, as well as using the internet to generate leads and recruits… So you’re in the best hands!

Once you log into your member’s area, you’ll simply click on the coaching button to set up your call. It’s that simple.

Bonus #6

Access To Our Private Facebook Group Next Level Island

(Value $129)

It's hard to find support and people who understand you when you're trying to build your network marketing business.

We have created a private Facebook group for network marketers that will help make it easier for you to build relationships, ask questions, get the answers and support and grow your business faster than ever before.

When you become a member you will receive access to our exclusive brand new weekly training videos as well.

Bonus #7 - Bonus

Special Done-For-You Social Engagement Post Templates

(Value $97)

This Done-For-You Sumer Social Engagement Post Templates are designed to boost your social media engagement effortlessly. 

With eye-catching designs and customizable content, these templates let you quickly create festive posts that resonate with your audience, saving you time and enhancing your online presence. 

Elevate your social media game and attract more interaction with these ready-to-use templates.
We could easily charge $1,840 for all of this.
But we won’t. Because it is our mission to help as many home business owners as we can to smash their big dreams through effective, non-spammy, and fun social influence strategies.

So, for a limited time you can your Social Recruiting Secrets 2.0 for only $7
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Backed by our no-risk guarantee

Now, you’re 100% covered with our money back guarantee.
Not only do we guarantee this unconditionally for 14 days, but if it doesn’t help you increase your engagement, take away the guesswork of figuring out what to post, if it doesn’t give you a plan to crush it on social media, we don’t want your money. We’ll give it all back. No questions asked. No hard feelings.
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Copyright 2021 Beach Boss Influencers