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Inside This FREE Guide You'll Discover:
  • How to become a person of influence...have people REACHING OUT TO YOU asking about your business
  • Why Everyone is NOT your prospect...spend your time and energy on the kind of people MORE LIKELY TO SAY "YES" to your products/service​
  • ​​How to promote your products and offer your opportunity...have people thinking it's THEIR IDEA to buy or to join you

Meet Your Mentors...The Beach Boss Influencers

Brandy Shaver

I found network marketing 20 years ago... built a small team and watched it fall apart.

Joined another company and it happened again. I started to wonder if it was just me and if building a business just wasn't my thing.

Then I found mentors that could teach me how to build a business online.

It wasn't easy and I had an incredible learning curve.. (non-techy) but I stuck with it and learned the skill sets I needed to go from zero to multiple six figures in just a few years...

Now I help teach and train others to do the same thing.

Cari Higham

My entrepreneurial journey started in 2014 when I found network marketing... And I struggled to grow my business for 2 years....

Even though I was doing everything my upline told me to. I felt like a failure and began questioning if this industry was really for me...

Until I found a mentor that taught me Social Media Branding and growing influence online. In less than 10 months I retired my husband out of his job and built a multiple 6-figure income.

Now, my passion is training people like you to do the same.

Adrian Lindeen

Network Marketing fell into my lap 5 years ago. Recruited a few people, had some customers, but nothing that stuck.

I did everything my upline told me to. Home parties, Vendor Booths, Coffee Shop meetings, prospecting restaurant servers and bar tenders, handing out samples at softball and baseball games, and making cold calls to leads that I would have to purchase.

Spending more money on my business than I was bringing in and feeling like a complete and utter Failure…

I then found a Mentor who taught me how to build my business online using Social Media to build a Brand & Influence. 11 Months later...I hit 6-figures in my business and have retired myself out of my career in Education.

Now, I get to coach and train others to do the same.

Kat Krasilnikoff

I joined my first Network Marketing company back in 1998. I was young and very ambitious, but I failed miserably and I promised myself to never do it again.

In 2015 network marketing found me again and I decided to make it happen this time.

Although I had a better success second time around and reached a leadership position. It did not last very long. I watched my business fall apart as soon as I ran out of warm market.

 That's when I decided to learn how online marketing worked and I never looked back.

I was able to retire myself from a postal service job of 15 years, travel the world, and live life on my terms.

And the best part - I can teach others how to grow a team in their pajamas without sacrificing important things in life.

Fran Loubser

Network marketing found me 4 ½ years ago, I built a team and rank advanced but as fast as I built my team it fell apart. My team were all friends and family!

Frustrated at all the strategies that were not working, I started searching for a better way to build my business I was too stubborn to quit and determined to prove all the naysayers wrong.

I discovered attraction marketing and invested in mentorship. I learned how to brand myself, build influence and attract a team of people who were looking for me!

I haven’t looked back, I retired from my profession as a dentist and now coach and mentor network marketers and entrepreneurs to brand themselves and build successful businesses!
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