Automate Your Prospecting & Work LESS While Making More using LeadMagicX™

Finally a way to help you organize, automate, and convert thousands of Facebook™ Messenger prospects into new recruits and buyers so that you can save time, rank advance and grow your business faster.
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Wasting Hours With Prospecting?

This is a huge problem.

Social media makes prospecting easier than ever before. The problem is that it takes a lot of time to manually follow-up with all those prospects to convert them into customers and recruits.

And since you might be manually keeping track of everything in notebooks, spreadsheets or Trello boards, it becomes overwhelming and exhausting to find the prospects, remember all their names and scroll through long conversations history to get the right details.
You could be losing quality prospects and potential top earners between dozens of conversations, unorganized notes or even forgetting to follow-up entirely.
Finally, a way to stop wasting time manually tracking prospects inside Facebook™ Messenger

Introducing LeadMagicX™

Automate Prospecting Messages and convert thousands of prospects into buyers and recruits so that you can save time, rank advance and grow your business faster Even if You Have ZERO Tech Skills

Magically import and organize prospects and leads

With LeadMagicX™ you can import dozens, hundreds or thousands of contacts from your Facebook™ into a digital, effective and easy-to-use dashboard.

This is where you can organize your contacts in folders, assign them into funnels or set them up for automated follow-up actions that keep them engaged and warmed-up.

Once LeadMagicX™ is active in your browser, go to Facebook™ and look for the logo. You will find it in Messenger or on people’s profiles, right next to their name.

Click the logo and that person will now show up in your LeadMagicX™ dashboard.

Use the automated Birthday strategy to reignite relationships

Who doesn’t love a birthday message? With this advanced strategy you can reignite and even build new relationships with your contacts so you can increase your trust and likeability factors.

LeadMagicX™ connects to Facebook™ and scans for your friends’ birthdays. When it’s their birthday, it will automatically send them a message (or more depending on your presets) so you don’t have to manually do it yourself.

This flow works while you sleep so you can come back to warmed-up leads and a relationship history all built within minutes thanks to LeadMagicX™.

* This feature is available only on the VIP plan

Build your cold prospecting list

When you’re building a business on social media, cold prospecting is the most time consuming part.

Many marketers spend hours finding people, only to lose them between dozens or even hundreds of conversations.

With LeadMagicX™ you can import your contacts, set up a funnel with automated messages and warm-up your cold prospecting list while you sleep.

Whether it’s dozens or thousands of people, LeadMagicX™ can do the heavy work for you, so you have more time to focus on what you love.

A predictable system to organize your prospects 

You have prospects who may or may not know about your products or opportunity.

Funnels are a great way to keep track of where all your prospects are.

Whether they are cold prospects who know nothing about you, or hot leads who are waiting to work with you, with this system you know exactly where they are at so you can send them relevant messages and move them closer to conversion.

Send automated messages

Online prospecting takes time and volume. You need to talk to hundreds if not thousands of people to get massive results.

But that doesn't mean you need to sit in front of the computer and do that all day. With automated messages, you can send prospecting messages with a click on a button to all your prospects.

The best part is we will send it like humans so you stay compliant with Facebook™.

Group Lead Generator

Did you join groups where your ideal audience likes to hang out on Facebook™ ?

That is a great pool of prospects… if only there was a way to talk to hundreds of people at the same time…

LeadMagicX™ makes it possible to import dozens, hundreds or even thousands of contacts from Facebook™ groups.

Then with the Funnel and Bulk Message features you can start to build a relationship with all those people at the same time. Yes, without spending hours glued to your phone.

The Duplication Gamechanger

Empowering your team with strategies that work is essential for the success of your business. But duplication is also very time-consuming.

You’d normally have to spend hours and hours with each team member to help them set up your prospecting and following up strategies. And they'd have to invest even more hours to copy-paste your message templates into their chats.

But LeadMagicX™ makes duplication easy and quick.

Now you can empower your team members with your exact prospecting and follow-up strategies in just a few minutes. Not only that, but they’ll be up-and-running with your automated prospecting and following-up process in the least amount of time possible. 

Build Your Business Faster With
LeadMagicX™ Today

LeadMagicX™ is a new social media prospecting tool from the Beach Boss Influencers
a coaching company that teaches network marketers how to build a successful team 
and business using proven social media strategies.
This Chrome plugin was designed by network marketers who got tired of wasting hours in front of a screen trying to prospect, nurture and grow their team all at once.
So they came up with a revolutionary social media prospecting and relationship management tool that allowed them to prospect more than 100,000 people per year, rank up to top producers within their company and generate multiple 6 and 7 figures from their business.
Drop the copy-paste message and prepare yourself for massive results fast

Automate Your Prospecting and Convert Thousands Of Messenger Prospects 

So That You Can Save Time, Rank Advance And Grow Your Business Faster

VIP Access

$89 $59/month

Get 33% off the regular price
(save $30 per month)
  • Unlimited contacts & unlimited automated Messenger messages
  • One-click feature to import all your Facebook contacts
  • ​Search, filter and organize leads in Messenger
  • ​Add private notes to each contact
  • ​Create message templates, no more copy-and-paste
  • NEW! Share your prospecting, follow-up structure and message templates with your ENTIRE TEAM at the click of a button
  • ​Bonus: Messenger Prospecting Secrets course from 7-figure earner Brandy Shaver
  • ​Birthday Strategy

Start today, cancel anytime.

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
14 Day Free Trial - Cancel anytime

So Easy Even Your Kid Can Set It Up For You!

“Why didn’t we have this 5 months ago? We can reach out to so many more people.”

Tina - 7 Figure Influencer

“Fabulous product, absolutely love it. I can’t say enough about LeadMagicX™, I mean this is just magic for sure.”

Lorie - Network Marketer

“This training is CRAZY GOOD! I am so happy that my mission is on track!”

Heidi - Network Marketer

“It was such a relief to be able to keep track of people, to keep in touch with my growing team and let them know that I was always there to support them, to be able to automate messages to prospects, to be able to automate birthday messages, to be able to follow up with people and never lose a customer or a prospect and to do all of this without being flagged by Facebook as a bot.

It was literally the answer to my prayers and I cannot recommend LeadMagicX™ enough, it will be a lifesaver for you!"

Fran Loubser - Co-Founder of Beach Boss Influencers

Spending All Day In Front Of A Screen,  
Messaging People Instead Of Doing The Things You Love?

This is the easiest and quickest way to follow-up, sell and recruit on social media

Getting started is easy:

Step 1

Install LeadMagicX™

Step 2

Add Facebook™ contacts

Step 3

Set up your follow-up actions
Grow your business without spending all day in front of a screen

LeadMagicX™ supercharges your prospecting 
by automating actions you're currently wasting hours to complete

Track and manage prospects with a click of the button

No more wasting hours manually keeping track of every contact, prospect or conversation in unorganized notebooks or overwhelming spreadsheets.

LeadMagicX™ integrates with your Facebook™ profile, Messenger and even groups, so you can manage and follow-up with all of your prospects in one place.

With this tool you can import contacts, start conversations and even follow-up with your prospects or leads at the click of a button.

Whether we’re talking dozens, hundreds or thousands, LeadMagicX™ is how you optimize your prospecting efforts so you can start more conversations, grow sales and recruit more people.

Automate your prospecting while you work, sleep or just simply living your life!

Online prospecting takes time and volume. We’re talking about talking to hundreds of people to get massive results.

But that doesn't mean you need to sit in front of the computer and do that all day. With our bulk messages, you can send prospecting messages to all your prospects authentically by rotating between different messages.

LeadMagicX™ is a human-first, revolutionary technology that makes sure all of your message sending abides by Facebook™ ’s strict rules.

All you have to do is use LeadMagicX™’s native Bulk Message feature to get started.

Set it once and let it go to work for you every single day: the Birthday Strategy

LeadMagicX™ connects to Facebook™ and scans for your friends’ birthdays.

When it’s their birthday, it will automatically send them a message (or more depending on your presets) so you don’t have to manually do it yourself.

The Birthday flow works while you sleep so you can come back to warmed-up leads and a relationship history all built within minutes thanks to LeadMagicX™.

* This feature is available only on the VIP plan

Send laser targeted messages with our “Funnel” feature

Most marketers shoot themselves in the foot when they approach all prospects and leads with the same copy-paste messages.

Yes, it’s a headache to keep track of where all your prospects are at right now. But an ill-fitted copy-paste message will ruin the relationship you’re trying to build.

With LeadMagicX™ you can forget about dropping a copy-paste message in the wrong conversation, at the wrong time.

Thanks to our Funnels and Stages features, you can make sure that your messages will always reach the right people at the right time.

Reliably follow-up with your team and recruits

Your recruits need your help to keep them motivated and on track. But it’s also a very time consuming job.

Whether it’s a new challenge, a weekly accountability check-up or even a daily motivational message, LeadMagicX™ makes it easy (and quick) to be there for each of your recruits.

Using the Bulk Message feature you can select which contacts receive which message and when, all at the click of a few buttons.

Imagine the results you can have when your team feels supported by their team leader. And you can do it all without group messages, copy-pasting the same message in dozens of chats every single day.

PERSONALIZE automated messages WITH your prospect’s name

Trying to customize copy-paste messages when prospecting is a massive ordeal. If you reach out to 100 people a day and you manually add their name in your copy-paste message that can easily add up to dozens of hours of work each week.

Fortunately, there’s a better way. LeadMagicX™ allows you to customize all of your automated messages to include your prospect’s name.

All it takes is for you to type @ and select the format of the name that you want to use in your automated message, and LeadMagicX™ does the hard work for you.

New feature

1-click process to duplicate your strategies & templates with your team

Your team can benefit from your success with LeadMagicX™, without spending dozens of hours on manual setup or copy-pasting your templates into their accounts.

With this new feature, you can export your exact prospecting, follow-up strategies and message templates into your team members’ LeadMagicX™ accounts at the click of a button.

It not only saves you time, but it instantly sets up your whole team for success. Call it the duplication gamechanger.
More prospects. More customers. More recruits. All on autopilot.

Get Started With LeadMagicX™ Now

Prospecting is difficult enough. Don’t make it any more harder than it has to be. Use the #1 social media prospecting and relationship management tool to organize, engage and follow-up with your prospects without overwhelming spreadsheets or pretty notebooks. 

VIP Access

$89 $59/month

Get 33% off the regular price
(save $30 per month)
  • Unlimited contacts & unlimited automated Messenger messages
  • One-click feature to import all your Facebook contacts
  • ​Search, filter and organize leads in Messenger
  • ​Add private notes to each contact
  • ​Create message templates, no more copy-and-paste
  • NEW! Share your prospecting, follow-up structure and message templates with your ENTIRE TEAM at the click of a button
  • ​Bonus: Messenger Prospecting Secrets course from 7-figure earner Brandy Shaver
  • ​Birthday Strategy

Your Special 33% Off Discount Expires In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
14 Day Free Trial - Cancel anytime

“Thanks guys loving this now I am not afraid anymore.”

Chellie - Network Marketer

“I just got myself set up within lead magicx and added my first lead. I can just feel the organization flowing through me.”

Jameese - Network Marketer

“Excited to have this amazing software.”

Ginnie - Network Marketer

I absolutely have loved LeadMagicX™. It has saved me tons of time, days of time. I now set LeadMagicX™ up and it works as I'm working throughout my day. Thank you so much, LeadMagicX™. You have saved me a ton of time that has allowed me to spend my time with my family, but also building my business in other areas."

Tina Honsey - 7 Figure Influencer

You’re all set for success
With these bonuses you’ll be 
up and running from Day 1

When you sign up for your LeadMagicX™, you’ll automatically unlock the following bonuses:

Bonus #1

10x your sales with Messenger Prospecting Secrets (Value $597)

In Messenger Prospecting Secrets, Brandy Shaver is going to teach you exactly what to do and say to 10x your sales without all the small talk or sounding weird, spammy or salesy.

You will be 100% authentic, serving your prospects needs and feeling like a million bucks in the process.

Gone are the days of sending weird spam messages to friends or strangers to try and SELL your way to the top.

Bonus #2

Personalized Strategy Call With Our Influence Marketing Coach (Value $297)

To help you hit the ground running and get results in the quickest amount of time possible, we’re going to hook you up with a marketing coach.

This expert will help you get clarity and create a plan to achieve your dream goal.

Plus, your coach has a ton of experience with traditional network marketing, as well as using the internet to generate leads and recruits… So you’re in the best hands!

Once you sign up for LeadMagicX™, you’ll be able to schedule your coaching call right away.

It’s that simple.

Bonus #3

Plug-and-Play Message Templates for all prospecting stages (Value $197)

What should you say in a prospecting message to effectively move your contacts to the next stage?

You don’t have to worry about it anymore. When you sign up for any LeadMagicX™ plan you will get access to our collection of
plug-and-play message templates so you can start to make progress from Day 1.
This bonus includes the following message templates:
  • Hello greeting messages for cold strangers when you friend them
  • ​Hello greeting messages for when they friend you
  • ​Greetings messages for people you meet in Facebook™ groups
  • ​Product messages for customers
  • ​And template message to respond to people who prospect you 

Bonus #4

Messenger Conversations Formula (PDF) (Value $57)

Network marketing can be a little daunting, especially when it comes to recruiting team members.

It's hard to know where to start and what to say.

You don't want to sound too sales-y or pushy, but you also don't want the conversation to fizzle out.

This simple PDF formula will show you exactly what to say in your messenger conversations so that you'll never feel lost again.

Bonus #5

“5 mistakes most network marketers make that keep them stuck” (value $197)

You want to succeed in network marketing, but you're stuck.

It's not your fault. Most people who try network marketing never make it past the first few months because they don't know what they're doing wrong.

In this bonus video training, we’re going to show you the 5 most common mistakes that keep people stuck in network marketing.

Once you know what these mistakes are, you can avoid them and finally start making progress.

Bonus #6

Recorded Q&A session about improving messenger recruiting conversations (value $97)

There’s a place where you can network, learn and share your wins. It’s the LeadMagicX™ private community of network marketers who are automating their efforts so they can convert thousands of Facebook™ Messenger prospects into new recruits and buyers without wasting dozens of hours every week.

Bonus #7

Join like-minded network marketers growing with automation

It's frustrating when you don't get the results you want, especially when it comes to something as important as recruiting new team members.

You’ve got so many questions, and it’s so difficult to find the answers.

So this bonus training will help you get some answers and you can learn even more about improving your messenger recruiting conversations.

Plus, you’ll get lifetime updates to all upcoming functionalities. 

Updates we’re releasing soon:

Task reminder

Create reminders for yourself so you’ll never lose a sale or recruit during the private 1:1 conversations.

Sign up today to save 33% on any plan

VIP Access

$89 $59/month

Get 33% off the regular price
(save $30 per month)
  • Unlimited contacts & unlimited automated Messenger messages
  • One-click feature to import all your Facebook contacts
  • ​Search, filter and organize leads in Messenger
  • ​Add private notes to each contact
  • ​Create message templates, no more copy-and-paste
  • NEW! Share your prospecting, follow-up structure and message templates with your ENTIRE TEAM at the click of a button
  • ​Bonus: Messenger Prospecting Secrets course from 7-figure earner Brandy Shaver
  • ​Birthday Strategy

Your Special 33% Off Discount Expires In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
14 Day Free Trial - Cancel anytime

“I'm super excited about using this new program of yours.”

Cliff - Network Marketer

“I successfully been using lead magic for about two months. I am enjoying this service very much.”

Janice - Network Marketer

“I'm loving LeadMagicX™!”

Cheryl - Network Marketer

“It was such a relief to be able to keep track of people, to keep in touch with my growing team and let them know that I was always there to support them, to be able to automate messages to prospects, to be able to automate birthday messages, to be able to follow up with people and never lose a customer or a prospect and to do all of this without being flagged by Facebook as a bot.

It was literally the answer to my prayers and I cannot recommend LeadMagicX™ enough, it will be a lifesaver for you!"

Fran Loubser - Co-Founder of Beach Boss Influencers

Test LeadMagicX™ risk-free for 14 days

The only way to see how LeadMagicX™ works is to take it for a test.
LeadMagciX comes with a 14-day free trial guarantee giving you plenty of time to see if LeadMagicX™ is as great as we say it is.

Just to give you an idea, in 14 days you can:
  • Import your Facebook™ contacts, prospects and leads
  • ​set up your funnels by the stage of your contacts
  • ​send automated messages to each contact at each stage
  • ​reignite old or build new relationships
  • ​automatically follow-up with your contacts so they remain engaged even while you sleep, cook dinner or go on a family getaway
If you’re still not happy with the results LeadMagicX™ can deliver, then simply cancel your free trial.

What’s your money-back policy?

And other important questions and answers

What is LeadMagicX™?

LeadMagicX™ is the easy way to filter, organize and convert thousands of Messenger prospects so that you can save time, rank advance and grow your business faster. It’s a Chrome plugin that integrates with Facebook™ so that you can add prospects, keep track of conversations, send automated messages and more.

What social channels does this work with?

For the moment, LeadMagicX™ works with Facebook™ contacts, Messenger and groups. It allows you to import Facebook™ contacts from your profile or even the groups you are in at the click of a button. You can then set up various automated messages to engage with and follow-up with your contacts at different stages of your conversation. 

How do I use LeadMagicX™?

Once you have received your login information, you can install LeadMagicX™ into your Chrome browser. Please be aware that this social media prospecting and relationship management tool works only with a Chrome browser. If you don’t have a Chrome browser, you can download and install yours for free. 

Is there a way to customize prospects’ names with automated messages?

LeadMagicX™ allows you to customize all of your automated messages to include your prospect’s name. All it takes is for you to type @ and select the format of the name that you want to use in your automated message, and LeadMagicX™ does the hard work for you.

Can I export my LeadMagicX™ strategies with my team?

Yes. We’ve made it easy for you to empower your team members with the exact prospecting and follow-up strategies you’ve set for yourself in LeadMagicX™. And you can do it at the click of a button, without copy-pasting tons of message templates or manually recreating your strategies in their own LeadMagicX™ account. It not only saves you time, but it sets up your whole team for success.

Can I still use this if I struggle with technology?

Yes. In fact, Brandy Shaver is one of the most non-technical network marketers in the industry, but she is living proof that with the right guidance, you can unlock the full potential of tools like LeadMagicX™ to grow your business.

Plus, we have a step-by-step learning area where you will be guided through the exact steps to install, set it up and use LeadMagicX™ at your own pace.

Can I use LeadMagicX™ from my phone?

LeadMagicX™ has to be installed in Chrome browser on Windows PC, Mac or Chromebook as it does not work on any mobile devices like smartphones or tablets at the moment.

What is a Chrome plugin?

Google Chrome extensions or plugins are programs that can be installed into the Chrome browser in order to change or enhance the browser's functionality. In this case, LeadMagicX™ is an extension that integrates with Facebook™ so that you can add prospects, keep track of conversations, send automated messages and more.

What’s your money-back policy?

From the day of your purchase we offer a 7-day money back guarantee so you can test LeadMagicX™ yourself and see how easy prospecting becomes when you have the right tool.

How do I cancel my subscription?

We’ll be sorry to see you go, but we’re happy to help you get your subscription cancelled. Email us at and our customer care team will help get your subscription cancelled.

Have more questions?

Contact us any time at

Automatic Prospecting Made Easy

VIP Access

$89 $59/month

Get 33% off the regular price
(save $30 per month)
  • Unlimited contacts & unlimited automated Messenger messages
  • One-click feature to import all your Facebook contacts
  • ​Search, filter and organize leads in Messenger
  • ​Add private notes to each contact
  • ​Create message templates, no more copy-and-paste
  • NEW! Share your prospecting, follow-up structure and message templates with your ENTIRE TEAM at the click of a button
  • ​Bonus: Messenger Prospecting Secrets course from 7-figure earner Brandy Shaver
  • ​Birthday Strategy

Your Special 33% Off Discount Expires In:

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
14 Day Free Trial - Cancel anytime

“Why didn’t we have this 5 months ago? We can reach out to so many more people.”

Tina - 7 Figure Influencer

“Fabulous product, absolutely love it. I can’t say enough about LeadMagicX™, I mean this is just magic for sure.”

Lorie - Network Marketer

“This training is CRAZY GOOD! I am so happy that my mission is on track!”

Heidi - Network Marketer

“It was such a relief to be able to keep track of people, to keep in touch with my growing team and let them know that I was always there to support them, to be able to automate messages to prospects, to be able to automate birthday messages, to be able to follow up with people and never lose a customer or a prospect and to do all of this without being flagged by Facebook as a bot.

It was literally the answer to my prayers and I cannot recommend LeadMagicX™ enough, it will be a lifesaver for you!"

Fran Loubser - Co-Founder of Beach Boss Influencers
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