Want more leads & sales from your efforts?

Grab Our proven Hacks &  frameworks to create Epic Content that generates more conversations, sales & recruits

So you can generate more sales, 10x your team, and rank up fast

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As Featured On

To the network marketer
struggling on social media:

Any Of These Sound Familiar?

“I have no idea what to say to get engagement on my posts”
“I’m posting every day, but nobody is reaching out
“I’m posting everything my upline says, and nothing is working
“Creating content is so difficult & time consuming"
“I’m not sure what to post to attract the perfect business builders”
What does it even mean to sell without selling?”
How do I get people to buy from me if I don’t post about my products?”
If this sounds familiar, don’t worry - you’re not alone.
Figuring out what to post on social media can be intimidating, especially if you have no writing experience, marketing training or real support from your upline.

Getting someone to like or view a piece of content is easy, but it means nothing if your prospects don’t take any action.
Luckily, there’s a proven framework for creating social media content that generates engagement, customers and team members AND it works even if you are a complete beginner. 

Welcome to the best online resource to make your social content
work for you.

Influencer Content Hacks is an online course designed to
help network marketers just like you solve all their social content problems, so you can:

 Learn how to market yourself like a pro
 Create posts that foster a strong feeling of connection with your target audience
 Develop a powerful personal brand that stands out from the rest
 Create great content in less time that drives prospects to take action

Ready to make your brand and content intentional, inspiring and attractive to your perfect prospects?

Get started today for $97 $27

Risk-free 14-days money back guarantee


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

👌 Your Content Should
WOW Your Audience:

“I need this product/opportunity because this person gets how I feel. She knows how she can help me. I need to go and work with her. I'm going to keep following her because I love the content that she's putting out there. She understands me.” 

But, It’s Not What Most Network Marketers Are Told To Do

When marketers join a new company, the training goes straight to prospecting and misses the three important things that would set them up for success:

👤 1. Who it is they should be prospecting
📲 2. What they should be saying in their posts
📊 3. How to provide value to their prospects

So, they’re left in the dark with advice such as:

“Everybody needs your products, everybody needs your opportunity”.
“Everybody has skin, everybody needs money, everybody needs to get healthy.”

This simplistic approach seems logical until you put it to the test
and discover that… it does nothing.
So, your content will continue to fall on deaf ears
no matter how often you post, how beautiful your
product pics are or how many inspirational quotes
you post until you get this:
“Don’t use social media to impress people. Use it to impact people.”
 - Dave Willis

Instead Of Clicking Your Heels Three Times And Hoping For The Best Every Time You Post,

Imagine If You Could
Do This Instead:

  • Know exactly what kind of content to put out there to grow your business
  • Feel great about creating content that is valuable and inspiring
  • Look at your phone and see how well your posts are doing
  • ​Feel confident about showing up as a network marketing leader
  • ​Know how to market yourself… instead of your company
  • ​​Create great content faster and easier without any guesswork
  • ​Be crystal clear about what you need to do every single day with your content

Years Of Training
Successful Social Influencers

As featured in and on

We were able to retire our husbands, build multiple six and 7-figure incomes, and with our framework, you could get there too

Hi, we are Beach Boss Influencers, and only a few years ago, we were where you are now.

Doing what our uplines recommended, feeling awful about spamming people, and frustrated with heart-breaking rejection.

Juggling a job, a family, and a side business.

Trying to make it despite feeling overwhelmed and afraid.

Discouraged by all the strategies dumped on us by people who weren’t actually in this business, we came up with our way of growing influence online.

And that’s when it clicked, and things started to take a turn for the better.

We were able to retire our husbands, build multiple six and 7-figure incomes, travel the world, live life on our terms without feeling bad about ourselves or questioning our ability to build successful businesses.

Now we’re teaching others how to duplicate these results with proven social influence methods.

Beach Boss Influencers
Have Helped Network Marketers
Get Results Like These

    "There were just breakthrough moments throughout the three days that were just incredible."
    Lisa Pulliam
"One of the biggest things for me was the idea and the concept of how I can actually create multiple streams of income."
Corissa Kariger
 "I would recommend Beach Boss Influencers to any struggling network marketer because they start at the very beginning and they have a lot of support through their coaches and FB group. You're always able to ask questions, you can call in on a coaching call and get some more information. So you're never alone and I feel that it's just step by step without leaving any holes."


"It was probably the best investment that I placed into myself and helping me make those goals. I can't say it's for everyone, but I can say that if you implement what they give you - the tools, the structure, the ideas, then you're setting yourself up for success as long as you are willing to put in the effort to make it happen and achieve your goals."


"What they offer will not only bring you up to speed with the current technology, but they'll continue to teach you the latest strategy and how to make best use of your time and leverage to get the time freedom that all of us want."


"If you are serious about your network marketing business or a social influence related business then yes, this is the place to be. This is where you are going to experience an amazing amount of support and assistance and belief in yourself that you don't yet have provided by others that do believe in you."


"These 5 women have a proven system that they put into place themselves and taught many others. They're willing to lock arms with me and walk in my journey and in my path to help me be my very best and the very best leader and team coach in my own group."


"I would 100% recommend Beach Boss Influencers to anyone who is serious about making their business moving from hobby or frustration to a solid business where they see their future for themselves and their family."


Explore The
Influencer Content Hacks Framework:

There are over sixty billion messages shared on digital platforms each day, and the average person is exposed to between four thousand to ten thousand ads a day. 
Here’s how you stand out from the noise, stop people from scrolling through and pay attention to what you have to say:

Step 1:

Nail Down Your Perfect Prospect

 Get crystal clear about who you want to work with
 Stop wasting time and energy on people that are not a good fit for you
 Speak to one person and one person only

Step 2:

Build the Brand Called “You”

 Ditch the old method of promoting the product and company 
 Understand who you are so you can give your gift to the world
 Figure out what you want to be known for in your target market
 Show your authenticity and position yourself as an unapologetic network marketing leader

Step 3:

Create Content That Builds Trust & Curiosity

 Create intentional content that motivates, inspires, educates and qualifies your audience to take the next step in your funnel
 Gain confidence and clarity in your business, knowing that you are focusing on the right things
 Tell authentic and powerful stories that build trust and help your audience connect with you
 Create curiosity with content that appeals to your audience’s needs and deepest desires

Ready to captivate your audience and achieve your business goals?

Sign up, sit down and take notes because Influencer Content Hacks is how you make your social content work for you, instead of the other way around. 

Get started today for $97 $27
and learn how to find your perfect prospects, how to talk to them so they listen and how to use content to get more engagement, customers and team members.

Risk-free 14-days money back guarantee


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Sign Up Today,
To Unlock $828 In Bonuses

Bonus #1

Rank Up Strategy Call With A Rank Up Success Coach

(Value $297)

It can be hard to take actions needed to rank up and get results when you're feeling overwhelmed or just not sure where to start. That’s why we’re offering you a Rank Up Strategy Call with our Rank Up Success Coach.

Your coach will show you how to put everything you’ll discover inside Influencer Content Hacks into action and accelerate your success.

Your coach has a ton of experience with both traditional network marketing, as well as using the internet to generate leads and recruits… So you’re in the best hands!

Once you log into your member’s area, you’ll simply click on the coaching button to set up your call. It’s that simple.

Bonus #2

Perfect Prospect Avatar Worksheet

(value $67)

Without a clear idea of who your perfect prospect is, it's tough to focus your content creation efforts in the right places.

You might be spending a lot of time talking to people who are never going to buy from you, or worse, you might not be talking to anyone at all.

The Perfect Prospect Avatar Worksheet will help you get down to emotional and psychological motivators, such as discovering their deepest values, beliefs, fears and desires.

Bonus #3

Perfect Prospect Visualization Hack

(Value $167)

You want to sell and recruit more but you don't know who your perfect prospect is.

It's not easy to find the people who are a perfect fit for what you're selling if you don’t know who they are. You might be attracting the wrong people, or worse, not attracting anyone at all.

The Perfect Prospect Visualization Hack is a simple way to discover who your perfect customer is so you can start speaking their language and attracting them to you.

Bonus #4

Conquering Content Creation

(Value $297)

You know you need to be creating content but you don't know where to start, how to keep it organized, or how to make it all work with your other commitments.

It's tough enough trying to run a business and keep up with the day-to-day tasks, let alone find time to create valuable content that will help you grow your business.

Conquering Content Creation will give you the roadmap for creating content that is effective for your business, even when you're feeling overwhelmed and don't have a lot of time.

So, All Of This For $27?

The total value of everything included in this training could easily run $1000 or more.

But we won’t charge you that…
Part of our launch offer, you can enjoy access to everything in Influencer Content Hacks, along with all the special bonuses,
for just $27 - one time payment.

You Can Try This Course,
Risk-Free, For A Full 14 Days.

Even if $27 makes this valuable course a no-brainer, we still want to make sure you’re getting the best of deals.
So, here’s what we suggest:

See exactly what’s inside Influencer Content Hacks… the lessons and the bonuses.

And if 14 days pass and you decide that Influencer Content Hacks was not worth it, no problem.
Just send us an email and we’ll refund every penny you pay.

Let’s sum it up:

Here’s everything you’re going to get
when you sign up for Influencer Content Hacks today

 Lifetime access to the entire course designed to help you fix all your content problems and make it work for you so you can attract more customers and team members
 Instant access to easy-to-implement content strategies to turn your social posts into prospect magnets
 Detailed walkthrough of every method in the course so you can update your content strategy
 Bonus #1: Rank Up Strategy Call With A Rank Up Success Coach - Value $297
 Bonus #2: The Perfect Prospect Avatar Worksheet - Value $67
 Bonus #3 - Perfect Prospect Visualization Hack - Value $167
 Bonus #4 - Conquering Content Creation - Value $297
Total Value Of Free Bonuses: $828
 An unconditional risk-free 14-day money back guarantee from sign up day
 Digital access to the entire course on all devices (mobile, desktop and tablet, Android, iOS)
 Special launch discount: Save $70 off the regular price

Total value: $925

Get started today for $97 $27

Risk-free 14-days money back guarantee


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Your Other Options?

😩 A. Continue doing what your upline says and get frustrated with the lack of results

🤦🏻‍♀️ B. Go get a content marketing certificate and waste $100 to $1000, not considering the few weeks of your life you’ll have to invest

👎 C. Read dozens of books and listen to just as many podcasts, wasting precious time… and more money

OR you could choose the option that has
the safest return on your investment, cost and time wise.

Sign up for Influencer Content Hacks today, risk-free by clicking the button below.

You’ll be taken to the checkout page where you can review your benefits and complete your order.

Get started today for $97 $27

Risk-free 14-days money back guarantee


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who the heck are you, and why should I listen to you? You’re not a famous influencer.

You’re right. Maybe you shouldn’t listen to me or Beach Boss Influencers.

We’re not influencers or people with celebrity status.

We’re network marketers just like you.

We had a big dream and a massive commitment to make it work so we constantly tested social media strategies until we discovered what worked for network marketing. We put it all into a framework that has helped thousands of network marketers find the path to 6 figures.

Q: Does this course only help with Facebook content?

No. The content hacks we share in this course will allow you to thrive regardless of your social network of choice. 

Q: Can this work if I’m just starting out?

That’s a big YES. Whether you’re new, experienced, have tried your hand at this before (and failed), what you’re going to learn in this course can help you succeed nonetheless.

Q: Can’t I find these content hacks for free?

Obviously you can learn about social media and content marketing from books, YouTube videos and podcasts. For free.

The problem is that the content is generic and it’s not tested by people who are in the trenches every day.

Not us. That’s what makes this very different.

Every single day we put these content hacks to the test in our own businesses, with our own team members and coaching students.

And you’re getting ONLY the bits that have been proven to work for anyone, every single time.

Q: Will I really be able to get results fast?

You absolutely can and that all depends on you.

This concept, like any other, requires you to put in the effort and implement it.

You won’t get something by doing nothing.

If you go through the training, and apply what you learn, you will discover that it will become easier to create curiosity with content that appeals to your audience’s needs and deepest desires.

You can go through the entire course and learn the framework in less than a day.

Or you can take your time and go through all of it section by section over the course of a few days.

It’s all up to you.

What matters most is to take action.

Q: I don’t have computer skills, will this work for me?


If you have a social profile, with this course you get easy to implement methods that are explained step-by-step in dedicated video walkthroughs.

There’s no guesswork.

Q: What if I don’t like it?

If you decide to enroll in the course, but for whatever reason you don’t like it, you can get a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

All you have to do is email our friendly support desk with a refund request.

Q:  Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, there is. You can get a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

All you have to do is email our friendly support desk with a refund request.

How Much More Time
Can You Afford to Waste?

Instead of clicking your heels three times and hoping for the best every time you post, get instant access to The Most Powerful Content Strategies A Network Marketer Can Use Right Now to get more Engagement, Customers & Team Members on social media.

Sign up for Influencer Content Hacks today, risk-free by clicking the button below.

You’ll be taken to the checkout page where you can review your benefits and complete your order.

Get started today for $97 $27

Risk-free 14-days money back guarantee


For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

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