Stop Repelling Your Prospects!

Transform your
social profile Into a prospect magnet

So you can recruit more customers and skyrocket your team

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No engagement, no comments, no buyers. Is this you? 

You’re doing exactly what your upline says and does… and it works for them, but not for you. What gives?

You’re posting in groups, and you’re working hard to get the word out there.

Your network is growing, but… there’s no $$$ coming in.

What’s going on?

Maybe, you are repelling your prospects?

Every network marketer on social media has a potent visibility tool at their disposal.

Yet, most people aren’t even aware of it.

This is your social media profile, and…
When misused, it costs you reach, engagement, prospects, and customers.

If your social profile is like a billboard for your company and product, nothing likely seems to move the needle.

Not even when you post ten times a day, spend hours in groups, or reach out to as many people as possible.

When used correctly, your social profile will get you more exposure online, help you connect with the right people, and EVEN attract prospects on autopilot.

And get this: it can happen without putting in more time and effort into getting people to your social profile.

So, if you’re not getting the results you want for the time and effort you’re currently putting into prospecting and recruiting on social media, maybe it’s time to give your social profile a facelift.


The Digital Business Card 

The top earners’ bulletproof system for turning your social profile into a recruiting magnet in three easy steps

Make a first good impression
Make it easy for people to find you
Clean it up, and boost engagement

All that damn effort… for nothing!

Social media has changed quite a bit since we first signed up for an account.

You’ve probably noticed that too.

The number of features has evolved at breakneck speed, and some things simply don’t work anymore.

But most uplines, companies, and even social media gurus continue to teach you and other home entrepreneurs the same old, outdated tactics.

You know, things like: add as many people as possible to your Friends’ list… and maybe, someone will eventually bite.

The effort to add 5,000 friends to your social profile can push many people over their limits.

Especially when all that hard work does nothing.

But gurus are still looking for ways to bypass Facebook’s friend limit.

What for?
You don’t need thousands of friends to see success in building social influence that converts.

There’s a better way

There are two things you need to understand right now IF you’re ever going to break the code of social influence.

1. You don’t need to be a mega influencer like Kim Kardashian to have a network that converts.

You don’t even need 10K, or 1K people in your network to advance rank.

All you need are a few hundred people who are the RIGHT people.

It’s people that you can help and want to work with.

And your social profile plays a massive role in Attracting and Filtering these people for you.

It’s all about QUALITY, not quantity.

2. There’s only one way to compete with 7,500,000 sellers

A study released by D. Tighe reports that in 2020, the American direct-selling community consisted of more than 7,500,000 sellers.

In our experience, the majority of these sellers are struggling because they do what their company tells them to do:

🚩 Promote the company
🚩 Promote the product
🚩 Send prospects straight to the company website
🚩 Reach out to as many people possible - it’s a numbers game.
So, they turn their profiles into billboards.

They put long hours into actively promoting and building the company brand.

But what happens when the company goes out of business?

You have to start from scratch.

On the other hand, if you build your brand, you’re setting yourself up for success regardless of the company you work with.

You establish yourself as an authority, which helps you stand out from the crowd. It inspires your audience to trust you AND want to work with you.

“But it’s a lot easier to brand my company instead of building my personal brand”

Social media is a loud place. And all those 7,500,000 direct sellers are taught the same strategies, so everybody is doing the same thing.

The only way to rise above all the noise on social media and be noticed is to have your personal brand, and you will learn from the course how to do that fast and effortlessly.

“But I don’t want to put myself out there and share everything publicly”

And you certainly won’t have to do that. There is a safe way to be public and attract the right people instead of locking your profile from the outside world so no one can find you and connect with you.

“It was amazing to realize that I was the reason for people to visit my profile”

Here’s the thing:

If you’re after social influence, then you need to shift your social media strategy from PRODUCT to PERSONAL BRAND.
When you treat your social profile as a personal branding asset, you will:
✅ Make it easier for the right people to find you

Public social profiles can show up in Google search results.

So, when your social profile is optimized to include a description that appeals to the right people, you will start to get more friend requests and followers from people who are ready to work with you.

✅ Help social networks connect you to prospects

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and co, have built-in algorithms that actually peruse your profile to identify what you and other people in their networks might have in common so that they can connect you.

Read that again. And let it sink in.

We were able to retire our husbands, build a multiple six and 7-figure income, and with our framework, you could get there too

Hi, we are Beach Boss Influencers, and only a few years ago, we were where you are now.

Doing what our uplines recommended, feeling awful about spamming people, and frustrated with heart-breaking rejection.

Juggling a job, a family, and a side business.

Trying to make it despite feeling overwhelmed and afraid.

Discouraged at all the strategies dumped on us by people who weren’t actually in this business, we came up with our way of growing influence online.

And that’s when it clicked, and things started to take a turn for the better.

We were able to retire our husbands, build multiple six and 7-figure incomes, travel the world, live life on our terms without feeling bad about ourselves or questioning our ability to build successful businesses.

Now we’re teaching others how to duplicate these results with proven social influence methods

Here’s what can happen when you use the Digital Business Card to turn your social profile into a prospect magnet

Attract the right people
The secret to a successful business is to have leads. But not everyone is a prospect, no matter what your upline says.

When your social profile speaks to the right people, it will be easier to build social influence and see money in the bank.
Stand out from the crowd
In a loud place, such as social media, to make yourself heard.

With the correct methods, you can make your profile stand out from the crowd, so it becomes easier to attract the right people and authentically grow your business.
Be proud of what you share on social media
It will be challenging to grow if you don’t love what you do.

So, with just a few tweaks, you’ll be able to feel more confident about what you put on social media, even when you are sharing your passions and interests.
Get the Digital Business Card for $97 $37
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More than 2600 network marketers like you, have had success with the social influence tactics we teach. 

But don’t just take our word for it. Take a look at this.

    "There were just breakthrough moments throughout the three days that were just incredible."
    Lisa Pulliam
"One of the biggest things for me was the idea and the concept of how I can actually create multiple streams of income."
Corissa Kariger








By the time you go through this training, your profile will be set up to pull in new prospects…
Plus, you’ll be able to teach this simple process to your team and duplicate your results, just like these superstars…

How to transform your social profile from prospect repellent to prospect magnet 

The Digital Business Card course gives you a roadmap to create a memorable social profile that attracts the right people to you, on autopilot, without spamming your friends’ newsfeeds or turning your profile into a billboard.

Step 1: A good first impression can work wonders

With social media, the first impression is the last impression. In this case, your social profile (profile pic, cover, about me section) can make or break your efforts to draw in the right prospects.

In this first part of the Digital Business Card course, Cari Higham, top earner, and coach at Beach Boss Influencers will help you:

📌 Avoid the pitfalls many networkers make on their profiles and build a profile that stands out in a noisy newsfeed
📌 Understand how it is possible to leverage your profile as a tool to make you an authority in your particular niche,
📌 Discover how to create curiosity on your profile so you can draw more people in,


📌 A step-by-step walkthrough to give your social profile a face-lift so you can make a good impression that raises above the noise of social media

Step 2: Make it easy for people to find you

Most network marketers have no idea how they can use their social profile to attract new people. In this part of the course, Cari will show you:

📌 How to build an About Me section that attracts new prospects,

📌 How you can use the About Me section to have social platforms put you in front of new people… the right people,


📌 A step-by-step tutorial on how to edit your About Me section to make it a prospect magnet

Step 3: Clean it up, boost engagement & turn it into a prospect magnet

In this final step of the course, Cari Higham will walk you through the exact steps needed to make your profile a magnet for new prospects.

You’ll get:

📌 Clean up tips so you can get rid of anything that won’t attract your perfect prospect,

📌 Instructions on how to use a powerful free tool so you can clean your profile fast,


📌 A roadmap to boosting your engagement just by understanding the role your friends play on social media

So, why waste time guess-working your way through dubious, spammy growth tactics, when you can tap into the power of social media influence right now using proven, authentic methods?

All it takes is a click of a button and a commitment to get started.

Get Started Today for 
$97 $37
You are protected with our 14-day money-back guarantee
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

And if you enroll today, you’ll be instantly rewarded with $441 in bonuses

Bonus #1:

Personalized Strategy Call With Our Influence Marketing Coach ($297 Value)

To help you hit the ground running and get results in the quickest amount of time possible, we’re going to hook you up with an influencer business coach.

This expert will show you how to put everything you’ll discover inside Your Digital Business Card into action and accelerate your success.

Your coach has a ton of experience with traditional network marketing, as well as using the internet to generate leads and recruits… So you’re in the best hands!

Once you log into your member’s area, you’ll simply click on the coaching button to set up your call.

It’s that simple.

Bonus #2:

Engagement Post Collection ($97 Value)

Have you ever wondered what types of posts are suitable to start gaining engagement on your feed?

We have used this collection of proven Engagement Posts to increase engagement with our friends and followers while helping to wake up the Facebook algorithm.

Bonus #3:

Your Digital Business Card Checklist ($47 Value)

Don’t worry about forgetting to push a button or change a photo…

This checklist is designed to help you keep track and tweak everything without missing a step.

The total value of everything included in the Digital Business Card is well over $500

To the right person this powerful system could be worth a fortune.

The good news is that you don’t have to take the long road of trial and error to make your social profile work for you.

Or spend an arm and a leg.

In fact…

For a very limited time, you can get access for a fraction of the price.

So, if you act right now, you’re going to be able to grab your Digital Business Card Training and ALL THE BONUSES for only:
$97 $37
You are protected with our 14-day money-back guarantee
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
For your security, all orders are processed on a secured server.

Backed by our no-risk guarantee

Make a first good impression or get Your Money Back
Our #1 priority here at Beach Boss Influencers is your happiness. This means we stand by our courses 100%, no matter what, no questions asked, no ifs, no ands, no buts.

So, not only do we guarantee the Digital Business Card unconditionally for 14 days, but if it doesn’t help you give your social profile a facelift, or empower you with a step-by-step plan to make it work for you on autopilot, we don’t want your money.

We’ll give it all back.

No questions asked.

No hard feelings.

And you get to keep the bonuses!

Let’s sum it up.

Here’s everything you get when you enrolL in the Digital Business Card course today:

  • Lifetime access to the entire course designed to help you build the foundation of an attractive and successful social profile that draws in the right people to you
  • Instant access to easy-to-implement winning strategies to turn your social profile from prospect repellent to prospect magnet
  • ​Detailed walkthrough of every method in the course so you can update your social profile as you learn
  • ​Bonus #1: Personalized Strategy Call With Our Influence Marketing Coach (Value $297)
  • ​Bonus #2: Access to our Engagement Post Collection where you can see examples of some of the most powerful posts we’ve ever published to get our network to engage and convert (Value $97)
  • Bonus #3: Downloadable checklist so you can always double-check if your profile works for you, or against you (Value $47)
  • An unconditional Make a First Good Impression or Get Your Money Back, 14-day money back guarantee from sign up day
  • Digital access to the entire course on all devices (mobile, desktop and tablet, Android, iOS)
Total value: $538
Get Started Today For $97 $37
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00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
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One payment of $97 $37

Limited time discount. Enroll now and enjoy a 72% discount.

100% Risk-Free Guarantee

You don't have to say "YES" right now.
You only have to say "MAYBE".

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Does this really work?

… and other Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Will this really work for me?

If you’ve tried other things to grow your business on social media, you’ll probably find the idea of the Digital Business Card appealing… but at the same time, scary, because it’s so different from everything else the gurus, your upline, and company preach.

So, it is normal to have questions. And even doubts.

But asking this question means you are someone who is really committed.

And that is key to achieving goals in this industry.

The methods in the Digital Business Card will work for you if:

• you’re someone who’s had it with the 3 foot rule, mass messaging and befriending strangers

• you’ve had enough of the uncertainty and slimy feeling that comes with messaging hundreds of people, just hoping someone will bite

• you’re ready to commit to building your brand on social media - instead of building your company’s visibility

2600 networkers have implemented the methods and were able to see results such as:

Melissa, Canada  

Love this training, with the changes I've made to my profile so far, I've already had so much more engagement and even had a complete stranger purchase products from me!!

Jenna, United States

Finally, my engagement is through the roof. Last night I jolted the algorithm and people are voting on polls, liking everything and commenting like never before. Ahhhhh, yes! Thank you for this training


I have 2 new friend requests with in 3 days from changing my profile :) and a post that I did right after changing it.
We think you can duplicate these results, just like these superstars…

Q: How is this different from anything else?

If you’ve tried:

• to post exactly what your upline posts
• to post about your product and company frequently
• to befriend as many people possible, hoping someone will just say YES
• to send mass messages to family, friends and other connections, and got nothing to show for

Then you’ve been a victim of the gurus.

People who teach social influence, without actually being in the trenches, implementing and testing their own methods.

At Beach Boss Influencers we teach you the opposite:
• to build your own brand
• to sell without mentioning the product name or showing a picture
• to position yourself as a leader from the get-go

Now, full disclosure:

There’s no magic button with social influence.

And definitely no overnight success.

You’re going to have to put in some effort to get results.

Some of that work will trigger you.
We’re going to teach you how to set up a social profile that works for you and your personal brand.
We’ll show you how to get rid of all the content that is currently repelling your prospects.
We’ll guide you through cleaning up your social profile and your friends.

After all, you’ve worked a lot towards hitting the magic number gurus recommend: 5000 people.

But here’s the thing:

You don’t need a lot of people in your network to be successful or have influence.

Social influence is about quality, not quantity.

So, if you’re ready to commit to making these changes, you are ready to have a social profile that attracts people to you.

Q: Will this work for me if I’m just getting started?

You don’t need a lot of people in your network to be successful or build influence.

A lot of networkers (uplines included) don’t understand that social influence is about quality, not 

So, you could have 5000 friends on your personal profile and ZERO engagement. No buyers. No team members.

The effort to hit that magical milestone leaves many networkers disappointed, frustrated and annoyed. All that work, for what?

The secret is not in how many people you have on your friends list.

The secret is WHO are the people on your friends list.

If you’re just getting started, having the right foundation for your social profile is going to help you see results a lot quicker than just hoping someone will bite out of the hundreds of people you would randomly add as a friend.

If you’ve been at this for a while, you’re doing exactly what your upline says, but you’re seeing no engagement, no comments and no sales, giving your social profile a face lift is going to help you get rid of all the lurkers and dead weight.

With the Digital Business Card you’ll get the framework for cleaning up your profile so that it turns from prospect repellent, to prospect magnet.

Q: Will I really be able to get results fast?

You absolutely can and that all depends on you. This concept, like any other, requires you to put in the effort and implement it. You won’t get something by doing nothing.

If you go through the training, and apply what you learn, you will be more attractive to your prospects… Which will result in more people seeing your content.

You can go through the entire course and implement the clean up process in less than a day. Or you can take your time and go through all of it section by section over the course of a few days.

It’s all up to you.

What matters most is to take action.

Q: I don’t have computer skills, will this work for me?


If you have a social profile, with this course you get easy to implement methods that are explained step-by-step in dedicated video walkthroughs.

There’s no guesswork.

Q: What if I don’t like it?

If you decide to enroll in the course, but for whatever reason you don’t like it, you can get a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

All you have to do is email our friendly support desk with a refund request.

Is there a money-back guarantee?

Yes, there is. you can get a full refund within 14 days of purchase.

All you have to do is email our friendly support desk with a refund request.

You’re so close to figuring it out. Don’t give up just yet.

Putting your dreams on hold because what you’ve tried so far got you disappointing results, won’t make those dreams go away - nor quench your thirst for creating the change you desire.

So, whether you tried something before and it didn’t work, or you’re just waiting for “the perfect time” to work on your business, you’ve already done the hard work: getting started.

You’re so close to figuring it out. So, don’t give up just yet.

We’ve made it easy for you to try the Digital Business Card course.

Enroll today, see what’s inside, test the methods and if you think it is not valuable, email our friendly support desk within 14 days of enrolling and we’ll refund you every dollar - no questions asked.

That being said, will you take action or keep making excuses?

Permission to grow your business and achieve your dreams can only come from you.

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